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1. Pandemic
Existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people,animals,or plaant
💬 In some parts of the world malaria is still pandemic.
2.Take hold
To become strong and is difficult to stop
💬 The economic recovery is just beginning to take hold now.
3. Wimpy
No strong, brave, or confident
💬 I was too wimpy to be a boxer so I decided to be a musician.
4. Sheer
Used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling is
💬 It was sheer coincidence that we met.
5. Kicks in
To give something, especially money or help;starts to happen
💬 Another plan would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up the fund.
6. Genome
The complete set of genetic material of a human, animal, plant, or other living thing
💬 Further, these simulation studies have not considered markers over the entire genome.